

Miami Laker Handley story
This article was written by Daniela Morales in collaboration with Juanita Cardona. Both collaborators are part of the Journalism strand of the Cambridge Academy at Miami Lakes Educational Center. This story was written as a special to The Miami Laker: the town of Miami Lakes newspaper.
This story was written by Daniela Morales and published on Miami Lakes Educational Center's student newspaper, The Harbinger.
This story was written by Daniela Morales and published on Miami Lakes Educational Center’s student newspaper, The Harbinger. This newspaper is run by the journalism strand of the Cambridge Academy and is written and designed by students.
Miami Laker Borges story
This story was written by Daniela Morale as a special to the Miami Laker when Neyda Borges, Journalism teacher and English department head at Miami Lakes Educational Center, was awarded Univision’s “Una Maestra Especial” (a special teacher.)